Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Our haven of democracy turns thirty in just a few minutes.... if I just blink that is as fast as the entire 30 years seemed to have gone by. As a child I was out there in front of the Orange Walk Town Hall where the Belizean Flag was to be hoisted and unfurled into the wind for the first time. This was all in synchronicity with the ceremonies all across the jewel.

I can especially remember a SPECIAL pyrotechnic structure that was placed right in front to the town hall. Everyone was so expectant to see what these gifts from Mexico were to display. Well, lo and behold... the one I can most remember is a glistening firework display of the unmistakable silhouette of George Cadle Price. Mein....in today's day and e-age it would be all over Facebook.

Even though at that time he was the reigning leader of our country, his grandeur was undeniable and in no way pre-maturely lionized. This is one time that they did not wait for the man to be dead to tell him that he was good. He was and is the Colossus of Belize...papa Price.

With his passing to permanent life, George Price will now be able to hover over Belize. If I were hurricanes, crime, and Satan himself I would be wary; Belize now has a celestial guard.

Folks.........be happy, be jovial, be expectant. Hon. Price(or Saint) expects us to continue to live and learn. There is plenty of work to do in what he so timelessly described as a peaceful and constructive revolution. He still wants us to BUILD BELIZE!

Once after shaking his hand......I felt......"I won't wash my hands ever again"......... LOL

NOW I KNOW; His handshake to us ALL can NEVER be erased by mere water. His spirit has been forever imbued into the fabric of us Belizeans.

George Price's docile spirit will always demand peace and reconstruction as it perpetually unfurls into our milieu.

Papa Price we love you! Always have!

Happy Independence Day 2011!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a poem written by Teacher Eleanor Carmen Carrillo in honour of the late, great, Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price.

    Hijo del Sol

    Ahí, por las aguas cristalinas del Mar Caribe,
    Caminando con el aire fresco y los aplausos del verde monte,
    Guiado por los rayos cálidos del trópico sol,
    …andando con paso firme!

    Siente el vibrar de la última marcha
    Al compas de tambores y marimbas,
    Mientras que el silbido de los pájaros,
    Sobresale ante los vientos huracanados
    Que te encaminan y te escoltan!

    El zenit de los dioses te reclama
    Y te llama al seno de tus antepasados,
    Donde te espera el cantico triunfante
    De los que junto a ti labraron.

    Vístete, Hijo del Sol!
    Que los Dioses Mayas te acompañan.
    Sube hasta la cima de la montana
    Y monta guardia de tu pueblo que te quiere.


Let's be full of respect for one another for the sake of Orange Walk!