Monday, August 10, 2009

Misinterpretation!.... and some FUN!

Being disingenuous seems to be our Belizean government's modus operandi. This time around they have played with video of a public Belizean style 'consultation' and showed some obviously PUP Orange Walkeños thanking them for being there. This was called democracy. It is democracy; but the Ad is a misuse of democracy.

The real reason for the UDP personas and their country tour of consultations needs to be brought to light. They are machine-gun style issuing out "consultations" due to international pressure to show some semblance of democracy; if not they will be unsuccessful at loan bids, and at achieving political mileage.

The opposition will undoubtedly show the other half of the coin where the proposed 7th amendments to our Belizean constitution was being bashed. This set of amendments seem to be as pointless as blunt can be. Where and why were these cooked up? I dare say that the panelists of the day did not even know. These amendments are to akin to a Belizean building an igloo when the RED TWO hurricane warning flag is out.

They should be focusing on our blighted economy...not amendments or ill-conceived commissions.

I really hate to attack personalities but the overweight dude that is over and over shooting out these ill-conceived Ads is attacking, first, the intelligence of the people who voted in the UDP. And conversely, he is trying to seek out people that are not informed and then mislead them.

On a positive note: Let us unify our collective prayers and hurrays for the team that is representing you and me in Cancun. Let us hope that FIBA has not turned our games to a mere exhibition.

On another Orange Walkeño note: Super Kudos to Edward Reyes for placing third in the junior version of the Tour de Belize. He is our Lance... and someday he might make that sprint for the roses. Hey!... It is all in his heart!

Sad news for some... and good news for Belize...21 days and the formal education of ALL our citizens would have resumed. I know WE all happy for THAT! Yeah right...................

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