Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't call it a comeback!!


My... it has been quite some time... since October 19th of last year. Why my break? I don't have a reason other than not really being inspired to write. Orange Walk Insight is surely not forgotten by me.

I want to set out a bit the premise of this blog. I bring forth my point of view, an Orange Walkeño to death. My frame of reference comes directly from my Belizean heart and thus I am looking out for the interest of all full-blooded Belizeans. And...mind you... we Belizeans have a wide world view since the great majority have genes from all over the world. Also, I do not really write news...I write down inspirations derived from our society. Just wanting to set the stage again since I intend to write every two weeks once more.

  • The last time I wrote, duets was winding down and Orange Walk's hopefuls were outvoted. Now a new season has started and again we have a couple of Orange Walk hopefuls...albeit in KTV duets.

  • Also, the last time I wrote...Belize was mired in controversy with BTL and our government was looking to tamper with our constitution.

Oh wait... now Belize Electricity Limited has been added to the fray, BTL is still a controversy and our government in the person of Dean O. Barrow is still trying to tamper with the constitution. He is tweaking with the constitution to give his 3/4 majority in the house absolute power. The problem with this is that all the changes are merely to satisfy his ego and I daresay his id.

In one fell swoop he intends to muster enough power to do away with the judiciary that is too much of a balancing act. He is afraid that the judiciary can sometimes rule AGAINST him. How dare they? So... he will place into the constitution that they can't rule against amendments that are placed in the constitution. It is like a insert paralyzing the constitution. So he can put into the constitution ANYTHING that the bully in his heart desires.

Mr. Barrow knows that crime is a problem. He knows that attacking crime directly is a ephemeral band-aid. He knows that improving of economic sustainability is key to improving our social woes. But, there is lack of political will and skill from him and those that surround him to do any better. It is a sad state for Belize.

Instead of rearing rabid pitbulls, he should be rearing docile hardworking collies.

Hon. Barrow is an intelligent man gone astray. He is doomed by something as simple as character and personal choices.

In 19 months our majority will wield our veto/endorsement.

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