Thursday, September 29, 2011


After the majestic sending off of the Father of the Nation, our country has been mellowed into a feeling of 'what now?' Was the country really united at the state funeral? Were the parties really united? I would like a transcript of what was discussed at Cabinet or the halls of UDP 'powerdom' as to their decision to go big with Mr. Price's funeral. Was there anyone who voiced a negative?

It would be interesting to get the answer to that question. Hopefully history will answer it. It will definitely complete the story of the state funeral and make it even more precise than the ceremonies actually were.

For me it is not cynicism... it is desire to know.....curiosity to know my country.

It is rather easy self-convincing that the government determined that NOT lionizing George Price was too great a political price to pay. I will give them their due congratulations in doing that. Belize deserved no less; Belize deserved George Price and his legacy. Mr. Price is the 'avatar' to Belize like George Washington is for the USA.

It therefore cannot be lost that there was a subtle political aura to all of this. The PM's speech was all him. It was as great a speech as he has made before. Too bad it flew over the heads of many.

That the PUP would not have another leader like George Price was like a 'durrr' statement. But shrewdly he rebounded from that lame statement to that 'Belize would not have another Prime Minister like George Price'. All these were political jabs.

The leader of the opposition had a drum roll type of speech. There was not too much of a bang but it was timely. His most partisan political jab was 'our constitution is under attack.'

The time has come for the parties to enter the middle of the rounds of this match. This is where the 'blood' starts to ooze as the uppercuts and hooks come into play.

The period of recrudescence probably was never here but.......if it was...... the campaigning time is here want it or not. Don't say it is "JUST" the town board. This is it! Who wins in 2012..........MOST LIKELY wins in 2013 and rules/governs until 2018.

May God be with our leaders.

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