Saturday, March 21, 2009

Culture of Complaining

Hey OW... what is this with these desperate looking killings? Why are the 'animos' that hyped up? Why go for the jugular? Why deprive another of their life to satisfy some feeling? Why go to jail? Is that a better option?

I have seen horrendous killings in our OW in my lifetime and it will continue. It is just the way society goes.

Is crime getting worse in Orange Walk?

Let me opine, since that is what I do and let us hypothetically solve.

Over my little lifetime I have heard three statements over and over and over.

1. Prices di go up.
2. Crime di get worse.
3. No Job di out deh.
4. Things haad out ya.

Ooops...! I said three and went to four.

We Belizeans have not developed the skill of praising our successes. If we hear someone expressing something of themselves, it is 'breggin." We would rather ignore Andy walking down the street than throng. We then throng when he passes; make him a demigod.

Prices of fuel go down, we yawn. Our Prime Minister is OPEC's number one enemy since he was responsible for the drop in oil prices. Well at least someone did not yawn.

Some prices do go down but that is not lionized; some business people whistle to the ceiling hoping no one would notice that he did not go along with the price drop. He/she is ready to hike when it happens the next time.

No jobs are out there...funny. Thousands of us have jobs. Make a poll and everyone wants another job. Life shuffles the jobs and everyone is satisfied for a while and state... "no moh job di out deh."

I call it the culture of complaining. I do not know if it has gotten worse but we Belizeans are good at it.

Let me suggest, that if we start to praise a lot more it will do wonders for Orange Walk. Then maybe that can trickle to the rest.

Maybe then we can "stimulate" ourselves to work a lil more and be happier. And by the way, if the price is too high do not buy it.

When I hear a complaint, I would think 'so what is your solution?' After the complaint, I often do not hear solution suggestions from intelligentsia or the heart.

See you next blog!

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Let's be full of respect for one another for the sake of Orange Walk!