Monday, June 22, 2009

Heads will ROLL!

Is it only me or our Prime Minister is scrambling out governance in a fashion that is eerily close to nonsensical. I have went on record sometime ago by 'bigging up' his manner of speaking. Lately, the wrath of the the prime ministerial daily vicissitudes seem to have gotten the best of him. At the house sitting of June 18, 2009 he was trying to convince himself that what he was saying was at least sane.

It seems that the habits of opposing everything did get so deeply ingrained that PROPOSING is a veritable challenge, for the entire governing side. English seems to be a pain even for the one on the government side that is charged with teaching it in a large scale.

I will concede that health or the service to it will never be a smooth running engine. The better it gets someone will still blame it when their loved one dies. Health is therefore is always last in the pageants of the most sucessful ministries. It does not help either when the Prime Minister did not have much to choose from.

The PM was in a self-imposed precarious position. He had a blend of being spiteful and trying not to spite himself. A careful look is that all he did with the ministries was to mirror what the previous admin had. That defintely happened in Natural Resources, and Health and now we can see the fiasco these two are brewing.

The other morning I was listening to the minister of health on a talk show. It was sad. I do not even know if I can call him a politician. I am sure he did not know what he was getting into. Something else that I am sure of is that the Belizean peeps do not deserve him at the helm of that monster ministry. I respect him as a human but after that...hmmm. If he cannot do the job then he should say so. His CEO, I am sure feels for him. One can easily notice it.

Class went right out the window when the PM said "heads will roll" in talking about the over-pricing at the KHMH. He speaks too rabidly to be a PM and as I said... lately he is incoherent.

On a slightly different note: RAISE your hand if you were not educated by the church-state system at any time of your life.

Our PM's mini-general wannabe is kicking sand into his own face. He is chewing into the poison homegrown by his party. He is as rogue as rogue can get nowadays. He is making appearances in places in an effort to show that he is the de facto leader. WRONG! I do believe his MED is in danger of being repealed. Leadership does not arise from showing power; Leadership is an intangible that oozes out naturally without the utter of "but I am the MOE."

The pitter-patter of his steps have been heard as his triumvirate is trying to impose a host of changes to the education system of this country. Dare I say that the dictatorial efforts were nowhere taught in the classes bestowed unto him.

All this is brewing the ire of the church who sees their mission in jeopardy. The opposing mission seems to be one that wishes to strip Belize of quality education it deserves and to impose the 'quality' of education that is seen in their government-run system.

It is so sad to see the dinosaur leader of a union providing his opinion as if it were the opinion of thousands. I always wondered how, in this day and age, he is still allowed to call himself a union. There are so many ways to collect the opinion of his teachers so when he goes to consultations he could STOP using his opinions and use those of the latest poll of his teachers.

For example, in a very unscientific but SO USEFUL way there is a petition going on the internet that seeks to digitize the opinions of as many Belizeans as possible. Of course, I would hope that with the passage of time there is a more traditional petition. My point is that if I am paying to be part of a union, I could have a password and vote for given Union stances.

Anyway peeps, hope u did read the above rant. See I am a believer of God and not so much of spite. I do believe that our government should stop governing out of spite and govern for the greater good.

I suggest that LARGE heads roll!


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