Tuesday, July 7, 2009

OW Unhealthy CARING!

Hey... wassup with our Orange Walkeños making us in Orange Walk looking bad. It is like a host of us there at the KHMH are causing havoc. I guess since the Prime Minister sputtered that it is OK to grab given that the PUP had done so for 10 years then they are doing it at the countries primary healthcare giving institution. Of course the caring and sharing UDP style goes all the way to the pockets of the next of kin of the OW Mayor's family... not to the Mayor right?

One KHMH board member could not get a candidacy to be standard bearer so they installed him at the KHMH; the other ruled (or tried to) rule over the haphazard past Mayor and failed so again he deserved the KHMH. Actually he succeeded in getting the ex-boss a BRAND new home. Then again the Mayor might allude that it all happened magically just like the urine test.

By jove, how can failures be placed to run one of our most hallowed institutions. Most of our poor people bank their lives within those walls. I know I have been there a few times, at least to visit family. Yes, all the way from Orange Walk.

Lastly, if our resources are being carnally known can we feasibly continue calling them "natural?" I guess if you are an expert at insurance then you will be an expert at insuring that when you are out in 2012 that you are set!

I will keep this one short since I am not proud to complain.

Sorry Belize... a putsch might be tempting but we are not Honduras... we need to FIX THE ENTIRE POLITICAL SYSTEM!

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Let's be full of respect for one another for the sake of Orange Walk!