Monday, October 26, 2009

Belize needs NO malice...only JOY!

This past Saturday the powers of our country met for separate reasons specifically but for the same in general. Everyone wants the best for the jewel and its people. Many a times, this requires difficult decisions and sometimes unwanted solutions. The two major parties in Belize are fighting for dear life...for dear vitality...and long term viability. One has a mayor gone astray--if you ask me she was always a bumbling-stumbling image of falsities that managed to cast herself unto people as a city-saviour. The other has a cancer even if it is a misdiagnosed one.

Perception is an intangible that will always swerve mostly where it is bliss. The wiser one gets the less the masses care or the more they think they are being deceived. Going way back to 1984, people were heard saying "My dog wudda win ina dis election gainst the govament." Such is the same this past 2008 and all the elections in the same time period.

The law of averages does not give any party the ability to field almost no candidate that is not any good. The odds are swayed by perceived malice. Such a state needs to be blotted out.

All in all I think that this weekend was a historical one for Belize. Time well tell on the accuracy of that statement and my projected veracity. Who knows?

Let me sway to a totally other topic. Halloween is here... so how are you celebrating it Orange Walk. I know at this time of the year there are various cavalcades going around town trick and treating. Hey... dont be mean. Prepare some treats for the kids. The JOY that u share is THE thing. Sometimes this joy is topped only by... you know... that day that is exactly 60 days away from today Monday.

Enjoy these pictures.I had promised this one a long time ago!

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Let's be full of respect for one another for the sake of Orange Walk!