Saturday, November 21, 2009


The motley crew that feigns at governance of our jewel has approached monumental more than once in terms of errors, malice, uncouthness, and the Pinocchio syndrome. I'm sorry... I had to start with a statement like that. I believe that my readers are highly intelligent. I know that they are questioning everything I write(when they read). ;)

POINT: I truly believe that when you are governing from a position of revenge; you will inordinately sour everything you touch and bitter all your decisions.

The United Democratic Party are in government today since the Belizeans "had no other alternative."... or so the present Prime Minister heartily said before the February 7, 2008 elections. Was he right?

The PUP was riddled with too much baggage collected after 10 years of reigning. Electorates in Belize, maybe elsewhere too, expect the worse of the politicians. The 'small' size of the Belizean population limits the characters in play. Those three factors destroys even saints in our fledgling democracy.

The UDP has added to that list the bitterness gathered over the years while being in the opposition. It is a sad case for Belize. They make decision after decision fueled by this post-opposition syndrome. It is documented everywhere; they are guilty of draconic victimization, land seizures, corporate vicious takeovers, corporate bullying, Super-nepotism all in the name of making the PUP pay for the past ills.

What about moving forward and keeping a nation in the path of growth? The nation has officially moved from recession to contraction. So the economy was not only growing slower but it is getting smaller. All the energies went into the wrong place.

PLEASE! Let's not blame the world economy for this one. The world economy is rebounding. The PM himself said and almost boasted that Belize will be spared economic woes. He said this when the world was crumbling economically last year.

Hey Orange Walk! We have our own circus in town. They are based right off Queen Victoria Avenue and just beside the taxi stands. It is very close to the oppressed market vendors who will be the next to get the monumental 'pinch.'

My question is this: Should Belize Telemedia Corporation have a monopoly over the cable that lands on Belize of The Americas Region Caribbean Ring System (ARCOS-1)?

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Let's be full of respect for one another for the sake of Orange Walk!